Financial Affidavit - Complete this Financial Affidavit and return it with a recent pay stub, W2, tax return, and other evidence of income. Hand-write costs using monthly figures. If you have a question or explanation for a particular item, hand-write that information. Add a new category or to modify an existing category to better suit your situation. With each figure be able to explain how you arrived at that number.
Legal Representation Agreement – The representation agreement necessary before the firm can be your representative attorney.
Pre-Mediation Questionnaire – Disputed parenting issues must be mediated. This questionnaire is to be completed by each parent prior to referral to mediation to give the mediator an overview of your situation and requests. It is filed under seal and neither parent should see the other’s questionnaire.
Entry of Appearance - To represent yourself on your own, the court will need you to file an Entry of Appearance. This document, properly prepared and filed, will note to the court that you represent yourself and can receive notice of hearings during the process of your case. This document is provided for the benefit of unrepresented people, not legal advice.
Child Support Voluntary Payment to SDU – To send child support payments directly to the Illinois State Disbursement Unit. A new employer will not start withholding child support, you have to be proactive to pay voluntarily. Child support does not go away and missed payments can accrue interest.
Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity Request – If you were not married, and at the birth of your child, you may have signed a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (VAP). There is a biological father, but the VAP creates a legal father when a child is not born within the contract of marriage. Use this form to request the VAP that may have been prepared at the birth of your child. Illinois Form hfs3416h.
Parenting Testimony Worksheet - Worksheet of parenting issues, themes, anecdotes and focus for your testimony. Use this sheet to develop your case and themes, the goal being to illustrate to a judge the best interests of your child. (Editable RTF format)
Parenting Testimony Exhibits - Companion to the Parenting Issues Checklist above. Testimony is is necessary in a contested hearing, but if you have tangible proof and documents to back it up, it will make your testimony all the more credible.
Parenting Time Request - A form for you to send to current primary custodial parent asking for parenting time. Too often in a case one parent answer the question as to why you haven’t seen your child is “Because you didn’t ask”. Remove that argument and prepare and send the attached form to the other parent.